How many words are in a paragraph?

The number of words depends on what type of message you are trying to express. If you are writing a blog post, having 600 words will be enough to explain the topic clearly. But if you want to describe something shorter, then 200-300 words might be enough.
We all know how difficult it is to find the right length of paragraphs for our posts on the different blogging platforms. If you're writing articles for online publications, you definitely want to know how to write an article that is long enough for a blog post but short enough to pass as an email.

Word Count in Blogging
If you’re blogging, the word count of your blog post is just as important as any other blog post factor. Sure, it might be nice to have a longer blog post, but too long may turn people off, forcing them to move on.
If not done correctly, the word count of your blog post can affect your SEO because Google looks at word count as one of the factors of determining quality content.
The average word count of a blog post is around 400 to 500 words. This usually depends on two things: the topic and the author. A lot of blog posts will have a 1,000 word count, but this is more or less the standard for online blogs.
Sometimes the word count has little to do when reaching your target readers but it helps you to get traffic to your blogs if done correctly.
Word Count in Articles
How many words should you write in an article? There seems to be the same debate on this topic as there is for writing a book. Some say to keep articles between 500-1000 words, while others say to keep it 3000 words or more!
You can increase the readability and understanding of your article if you write material between 1,500 and 3,000 words. It is a great way to keep readers engaged as they aren’t reading something that’s short and or long.
Word Count in E-newsletters
The average number of words used in an email marketing campaign is 260 words. Most people wouldn’t want to read a blog post with over 1000 words, so it makes sense that they don't want to read an email newsletter that's too lengthy.
The subject lines and images will only multiply the attractiveness of a newsletter but shouldn’t be solely relied on for garnering interest. Having a word count in an email is one of the most basic and fundamental rules that you can learn about writing an email that gets opened.
Word Count in Infographics
With the rise in popularity of infographics , particularly on sites like Pinterest, it’s easy for brands to get a little carried away. While drawings and diagrams are a fantastic way to present content in an engaging and digestible format, they do have limitations.
The most popular infographics contain between 227 and 230 words. And this reveals a few important guidelines for text on infographics. The text part of the infographic is just as important, but it should be short and straight to the point so as to not clash with the graphics.